From the oceans of the cold high north

Welcome to our home – The Cold windy but beautiful North Atlantic.
From our main office in Reykjavik Iceland we source the seas around Iceland and Faroe Islands .
Our success is based on a close cooperation with the fishing fleet and landingstations and we are
proud partners of the tough fishermen and women working in the Cold high North.

We sell fish
Lots of fish

When vessels are fully loaded and in safe harbour we distribute North Atlantic Fish species to processors
and importers all over the world.

Fresh or Frozen and of course MSC certified.

Our main species

  • Cod ( Gadus Morhua )
  • Saithe / Coley ( Pollachius virens )
  • Haddock ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus )
  • Ling ( Molva Molva )
  • Redfish ( Sebastes Marinus )
  • Catfish (Anarhichas lupus )
  • Plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa )

And many others…

Icelandic fish

Our company is a collective of amazing people striving to bring you the best seafood in the world

Quality products doesn’t do it alone.

You need great people, effective logistics, quality control and outstanding sales and customer service.

Atlantic Seafood has it!  – And to ensure a close market contact we have our own sales offices in Europe and Asia.
– U.S not forgotten we will be there soon.

Contact our sales department on

Our logistics department on

Our finance department on

Responsible Fisheries

We are  a certified member of Iceland Responsible Fisheries because it is important to us to ensure responsible fisheries, focusing on the sustainable utilization of the fish stocks and good treatment of the marine ecosystem.